Arthur Lidov's Medical Landscapes

Arthur Lidov, painter and commercial artist, created these breathtaking editorial medical illustrations. They are a true expressions of anatomy and art. From the vascular man swimming underwater amongst coral to the mountainous landscape of the digestive tract, Arthur created anatomical visualizations that were approachable and easily understood.Largely self-taught, he specialized in scientific and medical illustration.

His illustrations graced Life, Time, Fortune, The Saturday Evening Post, and more. His paintings are included in several museums, such as the Museum of Modern Art, The Art Institute of Chicago and the National Gallery of Art in Washington.A Chicago native who attended the University of Chicago, Arthur eventually moved to Manhattan to work. His neighbor happened to be Mark Rothko who became a friend despite their wildly different art styles. In fact, Arthur pronounced Mark dead after his tragic suicide in 1970.

There's not too much information on Arthur out there. Does anyone know more about his medical illustration, training, etc?


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