Introducing AMAN AGAH!
Hello all! Well, it's happened again, another totally awesome contributor has been thrown in the mix! Let me introduce the awesomely awesome Aman Agah, an anatomy lover, blogger, good friend of mine, and now official SA contributor!

Born in NJ and hailing from Virginia, where she grew up (and where I went to HS with her little sis, BFF!), she currently resides in Brooklyn, NY where she kicks ass and takes names. A writer on the side with a film obsession, she runs the blog The Radish Press that she uses to write film critiques, upload terribly edited pictures of her cats using Microsoft paint, and muse on every day sort of things (all with hilarity and poise)
Aman in her own words:
I have always been interested in the supernatural and gothic and I have found that anatomy always plays a part in those tales. Frankenstein's creation is one of my all time favorite characters in literature and film and it gave way to Edward Scissorhands... I think more than anatomy itself, I enjoy the possibilities of it; its use in art and literature and the fact that our bodies and the bodies of animals are so complex. I also have a fascination with death and the death of our bodies, and I have two anatomical tattoos!
Welcome Aman! Everyone at Street Anatomy is excited to have you on the team, stoked to see the gems you post!