Street Anatomy's new nerdy sister-site: Think Anatomy

I'd like to introduce the official launch of Think Anatomy (—links to the best human anatomy study aids on the Internet.
I've taken links to the best anatomy resources on the Internet, categorized them, reviewed them, and put them all in one place—Think Anatomy. This has been a lengthy side project of mine and was inspired by my own experience taking gross human anatomy.
I found that reading an anatomy textbook, sitting in lecture, and dissecting in lab weren't enough to really master anatomy. So I turned to the Internet to find resources like dissection videos, interactives, games, quizzes, etc., to supplement my study material. It took a lot of time to sift through the results and put together a list of valuable online anatomy resources. That's where the inspiration to make Think Anatomy started. I wanted to make a site that anatomy students could use to find study aids without having to use a major search engine like Google. So after many many hours spent searching, reviewing, and categorizing anatomy sites, Think Anatomy is finally ready.
Go ahead and take a look through Think Anatomy. And if you're an anatomy student I hope you can find the site useful. Feel free to rank and review any of the sites or submit your own favorite anatomy site—I know I haven't covered every single anatomy site out there! The goal is to make Think Anatomy the number one portal to anatomy study aids on the Internet.
Here's a sample of the type of sites you'll find on Think Anatomy:
Anatomy Arcade—makes basic human anatomy come alive through awesome free Flash games and interactives.
Visible Body—the most comprehensive human anatomy visualization tool available today.
University of Michigan Dissection Videos—he best collection of free dissection videos on the web.